- In August, Dad had a cough and fatigue that lasted 5 weeks, then Mom got it the last week in August. By Friday, Sept. 3, she was really not feeling well and spent most of the day in bed. I went over the 3rd to take her to a walk in clinic to get some meds. I stayed through the 6th and we celebrated Mom's birthday on Sunday, the 5th. She was able to rally for some fun and dressed in her new turquoise shirt and garden gear to do the Chicken Dance. It was fun. She still had the virus(?) until about last week.
- I started and am continuing my weekly Jazzercise classes and just love it.
- I took a Business Women's class on putting your business on Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin. Very interesting!
- The weekend of the 11th and 12th was the training program from 8-5:30 each day. It was great to get back together again.
- Monday, the 13th, I flew to CT.
- Tuesday, the 14th was Lois' functionality test. We were there 3 1/2 hours. The lady was very nice and took all our information on past and present events before putting Lois through her paces.
- Wed., the 15th, we headed to NY and had Lois' MRI. She had missed two chemo treatments (one month) because of her teeth, so he wanted to see her after two when she started up again. We went up to stay with Connie and had a great time, as usual. The mention of Mom's chicken dance made us have to try it, as well as the makarena. We went back to see the doctor Thurs. and he said the scan is still clear. He is very impressed and we were relieved.
- We did shopping, bills, catch up, etc. until I left Mon. the 20th and got home at 9 pm. TALK has been of her moving out of that house to a smaller place. It evolved from a place in Glastonbury, to a place down by Mom and Dad. We also have been deciding about her working. We met with her boss, Cathy, before I left and told her about our thoughts of moving Lois to FL and all that would entail.
- I was home Tues. until I left for Jacksonville to stay in a hotel to get a head start on my workshop/consult there. It is 2 1/2 hours to there so I like to go up the night before and get a good rest.
- Wed. - Fri. I did consulting and a Power Point workshop. Also, had dinner with two friends and found the most wonderful salmon I've had anywhere. I try it everywhere I go, since it is one of my favorite dishes. This was wild, Atlantic salmon and just melted in your mouth. It was at Mezza Luna at Jacksonville Beach. Being that close to the water we walked down to watch the full moon and Jupiter over the waves. It was gorgeous and the only time that configuration will happen the day after the Autumnal Equinox in our lifetime.
- Was home Sat.
- Left for Clearwater Sun. to visit with Mom and Dad. They were both doing better, but Mom got tired from the least exertion. Fortunately, they have found some ladies who run errands, etc. and had help from them.
- Monday was a 12 hour day in Venice, at a school. It is 1 1/2 hours from Clearwater so some of it was travel. It's nice to not have to battle Tampa traffic, which I would have to do if I were to come from home and a good excuse to spend more time with Mom and Dad.
- Tues., the 28th, Mom and I met with the real estate person, Luella, at Top of the World and looked at 5 condos. We narrowed it down to 3. Two were too far for Lois to walk to their house, so...
- The one we liked is three buildings away from Mom and Dad, looks out on the golf course, is the same layout as theirs, but larger, is furnished with nice furniture, and is on the second floor. We had been looking for a first floor so Lois could have a patio, but later realized that a patio takes work and Mom and Dad's is just 3 buildings away. She is three doors down from the center section, where there is an elevator, the washers and dryers, and can get to trash and mail easily. We talked it over and over and met with Luella again on Wed. To make a long story short,
- Mom and Dad will buy the condo as an investment
- we will get Lois down here for good, as soon as possible, maybe in 2 1/2 weeks
- we have North American Van Line person on hold to come on little notice (she wants to bring some of her things). That may happen by the 15th.
- we have Cathy getting Lois set to get pension/401K, COBRA, etc.
- we have a consignment shop to take the rest of Lois' stuff
- we have a real estate agent in CT who has seen Lois' place and will meet with us next week to get set to put it on the market. Lois will leave it empty for her to show.
- her doctor knows doctors at Moffit, in Tampa, and sees no problem with her going there for chemo. We would still go to NY for MRI's every 2-3 months.
- So, I came home Thurs. and Fri. to get ready for a Porch Sale I set out Sat. We have a prime location here - everyone coming into town goes by and we even had a nice shade tree. I did it out back. It was even a little cooler. Made some spending money for San Diego.
- Today, I am taking a little breather before jumping into "the rest of the story", yet to be written.
The story may go something like this:
This week - get caught up on my life to be OK until Nov.
Fri. Oct. 8 Chemo #2Sat. Oct. 9 Helen to CT
Mon. Oct. 11 Meet with real estate agent CT, Dorothy
That week: consignment shop, primary care doctor, chemo doctor, movers, bank, boss, etc. etc.
Tues or Wed. Oct. 12 or 13 Helen and Lois to FLThurs. Oct. 21 Helen to San Diego, CA for AMS Conference
24 Drive to Ridgecrest to visit and empty storage unit
27 Drive to LAX and fly to San Jose to see Brian and Brigette
29 Fly to FL from San Jose
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